
"Then Leah said, 'I am happy, for the daughters will call me blessed.' So she called his name Asher." -Gen 30:13

Asher, 1 day old. He weighed only 2 lbs, 9 oz
Asher, almost 12 years old

Asher, or Ash, is our firstborn, our first miracle. Today he's a healthy, vibrant boy who brings so much joy into our home. He smiles easily, he's as sensitive as can be - which is sometimes a bad thing - and is a very obedient, affectionate and loving child. His name means "happy" and it is certainly an apt description of this boy.

You'd never know  he had such a rough start. On September 12, 2006, he arrived 9 weeks prematurely at just 2 lbs, 9 oz. and 14.5" long.

It was not at all the birth experience we had anticipated. We were living in Bermuda at the time, and at my 28-weeks appointment my doctor immediately recognized the symptoms of Pre-eclampsia, a disease I had never heard of before. My symptoms at that time included high blood pressure, elevated liver enzymes, liver pain, decreased cord blood flow, and my baby was measuring small.

My doctor - for whom I am so incredibly grateful - sent me to Brigham & Women's Hospital in Boston the very next day, where I was immediately admitted. I was a patient for about 2 and a half weeks before I became too sick to remain pregnant. They induced me at 11am on September 11, and Asher was born at 8:11am on September 12. My original due date was November 17th.

Asher remained in the Newborn Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for 7 weeks. The first 3 weeks were spent at Brigham & Women's Hospital until he was healthy enough to be flown back to Bermuda via air ambulance. He spent another month in the NICU at King Edward VII Memorial Hospital in Bermuda before he was able to finally come home.

The day Asher came home after 7 long weeks in the NICU. Here he weighed barely 4 lbs.

Home at last.

Today Asher suffers from NONE of the usual problems characteristic of preemies. We feel so blessed that God saw fit to give him to us and take care of him when he was so tiny.

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