Monday, May 25, 2015

Savoring the season

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.
-Ecclesiastes 3:1

Lately I've realized that I'm in a pretty great season. 

There are many seasons in a person's life, and I'm currently in a season of motherhood that's really, well, nice. I'm a homeschooling, stay-at-home mom, which is not easy but is also completely wonderful. I have my boys with me all day, every day. And at this point in their lives, they still really, really like me.

And they also really, really like each other.

While I adore babies and am always a little sad to see how much my boys are growing up, I realize that not having any babies in the house is pretty awesome. No diapers. My kids can speak words I understand. I don't need to carry an enormous bag full of supplies with me on outings anymore. My kids sleep all night in their own rooms.

Still, they need me. And I am savoring that because I know time is marching on and this won't always be the case. Every night my 8-year old asks if we can "snuggle" before bed. If I'm busy working on something, he'll leave me a note with his snuggle request scrawled in sloppy but adorable elementary-age-boy handwriting. He tells me, "I love you," almost every time he leaves my presence, even if it's just to go upstairs to the school room or down into the basement to play. My 3-year old is very affectionate and is happy to hug and kiss me spontaneously. He rarely, if ever, turns down an offer to come into my lap. When I wrap my arms around him, he nuzzles his face into my chest and grins.

While I'm often in the middle of something when small hands reach up to me, I try to make the effort to accommodate those requests for physical affection, even when it's inconvenient.

After all, one day these little boys will be men, and I'll no longer be the main woman in their lives.

So now, during this season in which I'm still Number One, I'm trying to enjoy every sweet moment. I'm so thankful.

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